I am a man in my sixties and have had prostate issues for a while. While my PSA kept going up, a number of biopsies did not show any cancerous outcome. After many years of consultations, and based on the common belief that prostate cancer progresses slowly, I was kept under surveillance for a couple of years. But, as many things in life, the cancer caught up with me.
That’s when I “panicked” and got in touch with Dr. Castiel who advised me on many occasions that it was only a matter of time before the cancer could metastasize and potentially spread to other parts of my body. Dr. Castiel was always meticulous in explaining why she believed that I should take action. She took the time to go over the pros and cons, always guiding me as to what to expect, helping me expedite appointments and explaining the results of my tests in layman’s terms. Finally when I found out that the cancer had become quite aggressive, and upon her encouragement, I decided to listen to her and had prostate surgery about a year ago.
The surgery went very well. I was not as nervous as I thought I would be, as Dr. Castiel had also prepared me psychologically for what to expect. Now it’s been close to a year since my procedure, and I am able to live a comfortable and worry-free life.
I have a few words for Dr. Castiel: Thank you for conveying the importance and urgency of the matter without alarming me at the same time.