Why a Concierge Service?
A cancer diagnosis brings about so many emotions, questions, concerns and confusion. There is a new vocabulary, so many appointments to make, logistics of these appointments in addition to the logistics of life. You worry about how to get to the “best” doctor for your particular cancer and so many names pop up as number 1 when you google them. Then you try to get in to see one, and you are faced with having to send records, obtaining those records, waiting for someone to call you back, and waiting. Even if the appointment is within 2 weeks of your diagnosis, it is a very long 2 weeks of worry about what is coming next and whether the wait is going to be detrimental to your health. And what if you choose the wrong doctor?
A concierge doctor can help you navigate your questions and concerns, has access to the “best” doctors for your condition, understands the nuances and can also prepare you for the visit to maximize the time. When mutually convenient and allowed, concierge doctors can be part of the visit so that any information is synthesized by someone who knows the language and details. The patient (you) is often in an fog, like having an out of body experience, so some information gets lost in the fog.
A cancer concierge doctor is having a “family member” in the room with you. Someone who is your advocate, your supporter and your advisor leaving your family members to be there for you as family and assist with other needed tasks like childcare, meals, transportation without the added task of having to synthesize the complexities of cancer care.