Colon Cancer Screening: GO FOR IT
Colon cancer has been in the news a lot lately and we are seeing more young people affected by it so much so that screening guidelines have changed. The newest recommendations for the general population, meaning those who are not high risk due to a history of polyps or a family history, are to start screening at age 45 NOT 50.
No one loves colonoscopies. The prep is not appealing, but the sedation is the best sleep you will ever get! It is also better to have one and identify issues early OR get a clean slate and be told to follow up in 10 years!
You and your doctor should review your personal and family history and discuss when to start screening, but no later than age 45. There are other screening options such as cologard, virtual screening with CT scan or FIT. Which screening would serve you best should be a discussion of the pros and cons of each for you.
Even if you are not “of age” yet, but experience changes in your bowel movements, blood in the stool or toilet bowl or on wiping, or changes to appetite, you need to be evaluated. Some symptoms may be just hemorrhoids. Others may indicate something more serious. It is always best to err on the side of caution and see your doctor regardless of your age if you experience any of these symptoms.
Screening is being proactive. Screening can identify issues early. Screening means taking care of yourself.