What is medical concierge?

Two women hugging each other in a room.

Concierge services are designed to be more personalized and individualized. These doctor-patient relationships are not measured in 15 minute appointments. The visits are as long as needed to allow for a comprehensive evaluation and to make a connection. Patients feel heard and supported, physically and emotionally, and doctors feel they are practicing the art and science of medicine. It is a holistic approach that can only be achieved if given enough time to actually speak to the patient and address all concerns. Concierge medicine is like having a family member (who knows the medicine!) in the room.

Concierge medicine is great for all aspects of medical care, but the greatest impact is at times of complex medical issues, emotionally fraught circumstances or if at a crossroads of care when what you do next is daunting and you wish to have a clearer understanding of the options available.