
Blurry photo of a tree by water.

Rosemary S., New York

In life I believe there are few special people, extraordinary individual ‘s who brighten the way for so many others. Dr. Castiel you have done that for me so many times, you make everything so much better/easier. Thank you for being one of the most exceptional doctor’s for me. I am most grateful to you.

This is one of the reasons why I am so fond of you – because you are the best, most understanding, caring doctor I know. Anyone you care for is very fortunate. I cherish your opinion. I followed Dr. Castiel from MSKCC to NYU.

Because she is such an exceptional person and doctor, when Dr. Castiel was in Chicago, I also turned to her for advice. I truly cherish her opinion. I have great faith in Dr. Castiel’s advice. I am very fortunate/lucky to know Dr. Castiel. Again I dealt with many many doctors in my life, including my mother and father’s doctors, Dr. Casteil is the best of the best. Whoever is under Dr. Castiel’s care is very fortunate.

My sister Linda is also a former patient of Dr. Castiel.

Blurry photo of a tree by water.

Julie S., New York

Dr. Castiel was my long time GYN when she was in NYC, and I was broken hearted when she moved away. I was referred to her by another doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering. She’s so darn smart and interested in her patients. Doesn’t rush but is efficient, takes time to listen and ask questions. Since she moved away, I’ve tracked her down twice for advice on big issues for 2 of my 3 daughters because she’s the GYN I trust.

Thank you, Dr. Castiel, for responding and offering excellent advice, a referral for one daughter and reassurance that another would be ok. Please move back East! My daughters and I need you!

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Kathleen R., New York

Dr. Castiel gave us the comfort of knowing we were asking the right questions about cancer treatment, getting the best doctors and doing everything we could do for my sister. She was the one who brought relief to all of us when our world got turned upside down.

Blurry photo of a tree by water.

Judy P., New York

In 1997, Dr. Castiel started managing my care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City after I had breast cancer. When she left MSKCC after many years, I continued to follow her for my care wherever she went until she was out of state, although she continues to be available to me.

Her guidance through my 28 year breast cancer survivorship and counting has been an integral component to my survivorship experience. Dr. Castiel helps me navigate not only the medical component, but also the emotional challenges that have ranged from from the decision to have breast reconstruction and reduction, as well as when I started, had, and ended an intimate relationship.

When I first met Dr. Castiel, my kids were young teenagers. Now they are in their late 30s, and I am a Grandma. Dr. Castiel and I have shared every step of my long breast cancer survivorship journey.

My wish would be that every person dealing with cancer could have Dr. Castiel in their lives.

Blurry photo of a tree by water.

Maggie C., Connecticut

I don’t know how I could navigate my cancer without Dr. Castiel. Having her as my very own personal concierge doctor is priceless! She is heaven sent. Before I met her I’d been misdiagnosed by my Gastroenterologist and my GP and lost precious time. When she miraculously came into my life she turned all that around. Without her personalized care I wouldn’t have found my incredible oncologist at a top cancer center. Without her, my life threatening dangerous blood clots would have gone unnoticed! Besides saving my life, she has encouraged me to stay hopeful and positive, helping me with my deepest fears and anxiety. Through her support, advocacy, knowledge and “bedside “ manner, she has made me a better patient and my other doctors better doctors. Dr. Castiel prepares me for what to expect at my appointments. And even if the information is complex or the news is not as positive, she presents it in such a way that is more palatable. Anyone going through a cancer journey needs a Dr. Castiel. I cannot imagine going through mine without her on my team helping me to navigate this new path.

Blurry photo of a tree by water.

Justine R., New York, New York

I worked with Dr. Castiel and her patients all shared the same sentiment. They owed her their life. Each had a great survival story. This service is going to help so many!

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Craig V.C., New York

I met Dr Castiel over a decade ago and in passing found that she had a wealth of knowledge and a wonderful way to help me understand what my wife was going through with her cancer. She reaffirmed that my wife was on the right track with her treatments and thankfully my wife has survived.

Blurry photo of a tree by water.

JR, Los Angeles, California

I am a man in my sixties and have had prostate issues for a while. While my PSA kept going up, a number of biopsies did not show any cancerous outcome. After many years of consultations, and based on the common belief that prostate cancer progresses slowly, I was kept under surveillance for a couple of years. But, as many things in life, the cancer caught up with me.

That’s when I “panicked” and got in touch with Dr. Castiel who advised me on many occasions that it was only a matter of time before the cancer could metastasize and potentially spread to other parts of my body. Dr. Castiel was always meticulous in explaining why she believed that I should take action. She took the time to go over the pros and cons, always guiding me as to what to expect, helping me expedite appointments and explaining the results of my tests in layman’s terms. Finally when I found out that the cancer had become quite aggressive, and upon her encouragement, I decided to listen to her and had prostate surgery about a year ago.

The surgery went very well. I was not as nervous as I thought I would be, as Dr. Castiel had also prepared me psychologically for what to expect. Now it’s been close to a year since my procedure, and I am able to live a comfortable and worry-free life.

I have a few words for Dr. Castiel: Thank you for conveying the importance and urgency of the matter without alarming me at the same time.

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MP, Westchester County, New York

I have seen you twice when you were at MSKCC and I was a cancer patient in 2008/9. You were the doctor who finally was able to listen and come up with the idea to diagnose my recurrence of endometrial cancer by offering to do a wet slide and send that to pathology. Nobody else would take me seriously that the spotting I was again experiencing, just months after my total hysterectomy wasn’t “just healing”. I went on to have the full treatment of chemo and concurrent radiation so life saved. THANK YOU.

I’m now about 14 years cancer free. I have lymphedema, one leg, and vaginal atrophy/GSM. I thought you may be able to direct me to a gynecologist who specializes in post menopausal, post cancer gynecology.

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AP, Seattle, Washington

I was recently diagnosed with a very rare tumor. Several weeks went by with no definitive diagnosis or plan from my doctors locally. I was told I needed to have a major surgery that had scary possible complications. Knowing that putting together an experienced team was critical, I reached out to Dr. Castiel to help me select the right doctors and to help guide my treatment.

Dr. Castiel was very responsive and secured an appointment for me with the top surgeon for my particular cancer. She helped me navigate the medical system so that I could promptly schedule my surgery in NYC, even though I live on the West Coast. She attended my appointments virtually and explained my test results and reports to me. She also coached me to keep a positive outlook and manage the worries I had about this diagnosis. She really went above and beyond for me. I found that having Dr. Castiel in my corner and available to me as needed was crucial in obtaining a great outcome and peace of mind.

Today, I have recovered from my surgery well with none of the scary complications. I am pleased with my team of doctors, and feel that I am on the best possible path forward because of Dr. Castiel’s work on my behalf. Thank you, Dr. Castiel, for your wonderful care and support!

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MP, New York, NY

A brilliant and much needed service!

I have seen you twice when you were at MSKCC and I was a cancer patient in 2008/9. You were the doctor who finally was able to listen and come up with the idea to diagnose my recurrence of endometrial cancer by offering to do a wet slide and send that to pathology. Nobody else would take me seriously that the spotting I was again experiencing, just months after my total hysterectomy wasn’t “just healing”. I went on to have the full treatment of chemo and concurrent radiation. So life saved. THANK YOU.

I’m now about 14 years cancer free.

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